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Drivers Ed Online – send it

Name: Tomoyuki Horie
From: Pendleton , Oregon
Votes: 0

send it


it!” It’s a popular phrase used by high school and college
students when they make up their minds to do something. For example,
if one of your friends is hesitant about asking out their crush, you
tell them “just send it, nothing bad is going to happen.” Some
people think this is a brave and fun mindset, but it can also be
reckless and dangerous in certain situations. Now that I am in
college, there are a lot of parties every weekend all over the town.
At the end of the night, there are always people, including my
friends that try to drive themselves back home after being under the
influence. When people are under the influence, part of the brain
that is responsible for judgment starts to not function well. This is
when a lot of people say “send it, nothing bad will happen anyway.
I drive all the time and I am good at it.” This is what “send it”
mentality can cost you your driving license, your life, and other
innocent people’s life.

Halloween, my friends and I decided to go bowling drunk. This bowling
alley was about 50 minutes away and all of us had a drink. The person
who was the soberest drove. I thought it was going to be such fun and
the driver said that his car needs the tail light fixed but we said
send it and went anyway. On the way back from the bowling, we got
pulled over by a cop for having the tail light out. The cops smelled
the car and saw that most of us were passed out drunk and we could’ve
got into a lot of trouble but the officer let us go with just a
warning and had to have somebody pick us up. This trip could’ve
been a lot worse if we got into an accident and killed innocent
drivers which we probably had to serve time in prison or even death.
The mindset of “sending it” could’ve led to something really
bad for us and ever since we have not done anything crazy.

are always ways to get people home safely by offering or have someone
that offers themselves to be the DD (designated driver). Plan it out
before and if you couldn’t get the DD for the night, we did not go
to the party. This is something my friends and I started doing to
make sure we are safe. Another option is realizing the risk and the
reason why certain things are illegal. Being able to recognize the
risk will for sure help the people making the right decision.