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Drivers Ed Online – Driving safely

Name: Aslah Gazali
From: Oakland , California
Votes: 0

Driving safely

Drive Safely

Coming from a foreign country that doesn’t have many restrictions when it comes to driving, I have seen and heard of many stories related to car accidents. Car accidents have become so common and the source reason that takes many people’s lives. a few years ago, a close relative passed away in a car accident, leaving behind his family and children in great despair and pain. Here in the U.S, we are blessed with safe roads, rules and laws to follow that can help both the driver and pedestrian stay safe. The only thing that is required from us as drivers is to be educated in safe driving skills. Drivers ed is important because it is one of the best ways to reduce accidents. If the driver is educated and know the rules of the road, less accidents will occur. Also, it is never too early or too late to start learning and educating yourself about how to become a safe driver. It is important for both new and old drivers to become aware of the rules to become safe drivers. Drivers ed will allow new drivers to build-up their confidence, while old drivers can renew their memory of certain rules they might have forgotten or overlooked.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving; such as putting the seat belt on and not exceeding the speed limit. Another way would be to keep the vehicle in good condition at all times, and constantly checkup on the car and make sure everything is in top shape before hitting the road. .

Although I am a safe driver and I am always cautious of my surroundings, I know that I shouldn’t let my guards down because there will always be someone that ruins it for you. One example would be when my family and I were going to visit my parents when a car crashed onto the back of our car. This was the most horrifying experience ever, because my kids were at the back. Luckily, we all had our seatbelts on and nothing serious happened, but the other driver’s carelessness could’ve caused us our lives.

Although you can’t make everyone around you a safe driver, the best option would be to start with one’s self. To be a safe driver you have to take precaution’s and keep your vehicle in check. You have to also make sure to have your seat belt on because you never know what will happen and its best to be prepared. also, it is important to always remember that there will always be drivers that are not practicing safe driving, so being alert of your surroundings is essential.