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Drivers Ed Online – The Significance of Education

Name: Kevin Kaluarachchi
From: Fairfax, Virginia
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The Significance of Education

Drivers ed reduces the number of deaths as a result of driving because it educates people about road safety. Drivers ed teaches you different techniques. You also learn how to take care of yourself and your vehicle. For example, knowing how to recognize and control stopping distance reduces the risk for an accident. Being able to distinguish between the different color traffic signals also reduces the risk for an accident. Specific sign shapes and colors help you navigate the road. For example, the color orange marks a work zone. Information on how to drive in certain weather conditions also helps reduce the chance for an accident. For example, using low-beam headlights in heavy fog prevents your own headlights being reflected back into your eyes. This prevents you from crashing into other vehicles as well as protecting your eyes. Driving instructors are very expensive. Many people, like myself, aren’t able to afford their fees. I believe Driving education faculties should be provided through schools. Schools have a better access to reach out to young adults. Especially during High School because that’s the time when kids try to obtain their learners permit. Offering Drivers ed courses gives everyone an equal opportunity to learn. It also helps people who aren’t financially stable. If everyone is given an equal opportunity to learn and access the appropriate tools, then the number of people who are well informed about road safety will increase. Therefore, road safety will become common knowledge. Awareness helps reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Educating the value of Drivers ed will go a long way. The faculties can employ and train local students as teachers and staff at the schools which further demonstrates to the community the value of it. I’ve had an experience of being in a car accident. I was ten years old at the time of the incident. My brother and I were passengers. My dad was the driver. My dad had bought McDonalds for us through the Drive-Thru. He promised to give us our food at the next red light. My brother was impatient and through a fit because he was extremely starving. Several minutes later, we finally reached a red light. The traffic light that we stopped on was on a hill. We were behind the car on the hill. My dad turned around to give us our food once we came to a stop. My brother, who was still angry, kept on yelling at him. My brother threw fries at him. As a result, my dad became angry. My dad tried to take the fries away from my brother, but ended up letting go of the breaks and colliding with the vehicle in front of us. This experience taught me that it’s important for the driver to stay focused on the road. Each time you take your focus off the road, even if it’s for a second, you’re putting yourself and others lives at risk. A step I can take to be a better and safer driver is being fully aware of my surroundings. Awareness keeps myself, passengers, pedestrians, and other driver’s safe.