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Drivers Ed Online – Preventing Crashes and Deaths Caused by Driving – What Are the Main Challenges and Solutions?

Name: Anca Donahue
From: Boca Raton, FL
Votes: 0

Preventing Crashes and Deaths Caused by Driving – What Are the Main Challenges and Solutions?

Preventing Crashes and Deaths Caused by Driving – What Are the Main Challenges and Solutions?

Drivers ed is extremely crucial for ensuring that there are fewer deaths caused by driving overall. While accidents are not always caused by driving errors, confident, preventive and safe driving practices can often ensure a much better chance for drivers to avoid disaster and keep themselves and each other safer on the road. Being informed regarding safety-related driving regulations and laws, as well as why they are needed, will also help drivers better understand the need for specific preventive driving tactics in certain situations. With a greater number of drivers on the road, proper driving education has become an even more important aspect of driving than it used to be. I can say, based on personal experience as well as the happenings that I have come across where I live, that proper driving education is getting to be more and more of an essential requirement on the road, and it can definitely save a lot of lives.

It’s easy to say that drivers ed saves lives, but how it can best do so in a specific way is a whole other matter. Specific measures taken while driving can already help a lot. We can work on improving our driving skills through practice, eliminating distractions – such as smartphones and infotainment features – reducing the frequency of unnecessary conversations while driving, as well as getting enough rest and avoiding getting behind the wheel when we are under the influence of alcohol, medication or anything else that might impair our ability to focus. Special measures can also be taken by those who still struggle with the basics of driving and aren’t confident enough. For them, extra classes can always help, as can taking part in a special preventive driving course that would help develop the necessary skills and knowledge for driving safely and observing situations where specific maneuvers or measures can be used to avoid certain risks.

Even though I’ve never been in a car accident, I have been in situations where my friends and I had a close call. Some of my friends are known to use their phones while driving, while others get distracted easily by idle chitchat. Personally, I try to get my friends’ attention about these things, sometimes casually and sometimes more empathically. However, I strongly believe we all need to make an effort to learn. In my case, thankfully, I learned a lot from others’ mistakes, and I know enough to put my phone down and focus on preventive driving to the best of my abilities. My main challenge is staying focused while I’m tired, especially after studying or spending time at the computer. However, I have been making more of an effort to train my focus. I feel that knowing how to make responsible decisions, such as to avoid driving when we are too exhausted, is the most important thing we can do to avoid car accidents and deaths caused by driving errors.