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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Driving

Name: Charnale Ranae Gier
From: Lenexa , Kansas
Votes: 0

Safe Driving

Charnale Gier

Safe Driving

Many people drive on the roads every single day. Over 37,000 people die every day in car accidents, due to being impaired, distracted on their cell phones. Drivers ed will help so many people knowing the importance of roadway safety. There are so many ways to help prevent car accidents:

  1. Stay off your phone.

  2. Do not drink and drive

  3. Have a Designated driver

  4. Leave early and do not be in a rush

  5. Be aware of your surroundings

I know from personal experience from seeing a car accident involving a 16-year-old boy and an 18-wheeler. My husband and I came upon the car accident and the 18-wheeler driver was being checked by other civilians who had stopped. We ran down the hill where I had see the 16 year old and his car had landed. There was another civilian down there attending to him and was on the phone with dispatch. We did everything we could, but he was unconscious. We kept letting him know that help was on the way hoping that he could hear us. Before the EMT’s arrived and was code black. After we gave our statement, we had left.

After seeing the after math of the car accident it completely changed our point of view in life. It showed us not to take life for granted. No matter what always be aware of your surroundings, do not be on your phone while in the driver seat.