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Drivers Ed Online – “Never Drive Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly”

Name: Angela Komsuprom
From: Leesville, Louisiana
Votes: 0

“Never Drive Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly”

sixteen is the most exciting time of the year where you first get
your driving license and car. They get to drive around and go
anywhere they want to go. However, they don’t realize that any
dangerous moment can happen in a blink of an eye–trust me, I was
there. The most cause of a teenager’s death is car accidents. This
is why paying attention to your Drivers ed class is very

Education can seem very boring at times but in reality, it can
prevent you from being involved in an accident, which reduces the
number of deaths. The entire time you are just sitting in class and
listening to the teacher stating the rules and restrictions of
driving. Sometimes you will zone out, or sometimes you would stare at
the board pretending to listen. However, it is very important to pay
attention to these rules and regulations: it keeps you, pedestrians,
and other surrounding vehicles safe. You get to learn how to do
signals, the meaning of what different signs mean, and so much more.
Actually learning and paying attention to these rules can keep you
and others safe.

two most important steps to reduce the number of deaths related to
driving are no texting or speeding. Texting while driving is a very
big distraction, which causes so many car accidents. One second you
might not see a car, but then a second later you see this car coming
towards you causing a major car accident. Since you were so busy
looking at your phone, you couldn’t prevent that. One rule of
driving is to pay attention to the road, not your phone. Whatever is
on your phone can wait. Your life and others are worth it more than a
random text. Speeding is also the main cause of a car accident– I
know from experience. You think you can handle the curve going 85 mph
in a 55 mph highway, but all of a sudden you lose control and crash
into a ditch with tons of trees. You went between two tiny trees,
passing all the big trees, which actually saved your life. This is
what happened to me. I was being a reckless driver and was speeding
so I wouldn’t be late to school. Luckily I wasn’t severely
injured. I had an airbag burn on my wrist and seat belt bruises. Even
though I was lucky, there is a chance that you might not be. I have
learned my lesson of not to speed. It is better to be late than
sorry. Now it’s the time where you prevent yourself from going
through the pain of being in an accident.

be a better and safer driver, you have to follow the rules: follow
the speed limit, no texting, be aware of your surroundings, think
ahead, and stay alert at all times. Driving might seem like a
privilege, so don’t take advantage of that.