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Drivers Ed Online – Newfound Responsibility

Name: Angel Nunez
From: Tampa, Florida
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Newfound Responsibility

The Newfound Responsibility By Angel Nunez

As a new driver I am found with a new freedom on the road. To go where I need to quickly. But there are many responsibilities that come with being a new driver. Drivers ed helps show what that can be and how to keep your life and the lives of others safe on the road. There are also many steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of losing the life of yourself and others.

To begin with, my father always tells me that “driving isn’t a game, it’s life or death.” Which I believe is what everyone should think when they are driving. Not to make them stressful, but to give them something to remind them that their lives are on the line when they are driving. Drivers ed illustrates this by explaining the causes of accidents. An example, would be drinking under influence which is when someone has too much alcohol while driving which makes their motor abilities and senses slow to react. This can cause accidents to pedestrians and other drivers since their senses are too slow and that can lead to breaking too late at an intersection light and getting in an accident with crossing traffic. Drivers ed helps reduce this risk by advising people to have someone who is sober and can drive them home. The person could also stay at the home of their friend’s if they were drinking there. Another way we can make the road a safer place is by not using our phones while driving. I know everyone says that, but it is true. We increase the risk of being on our phones while driving by one text message and then it could be all over. We can stop this by putting our phones away while we are driving or pulling over when it is something important. We all have a responsibility when we drive. It is that you drive to point A to point B as safe as possible. So I hope, as a new driver, that I can be on a safe road along with the rest of you that can drive.

In the end, we can all be safe if we take the right steps on following the rules of the road and not use our phones. And we can make the road a better place to drive on for the new and old drivers out there.