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Drivers Ed Online – Life Saving Course: Driver’s Education

Name: Zachary Lawson Barrett
From: Edmond , Oklahoma
Votes: 0

Life Saving Course: Drivers Ed

Everyone who starts logging their first miles on the road is a vulnerable driver, however, there are many ways to start safe. Drivers ed courses are in place to teach new drivers the basics of properly operating a vehicle while safely doing so. Tens of thousands of people die each year as a result of a car crash. These courses teach new drivers about the dangers of unsafe driving behaviors. In addition, drivers ed courses teach new drivers how to avoid potential accidents and road hazards that would put them in a position of no control over the situation. I believe that if each driver takes the course seriously, they will lower their chances of an accident. New drivers are likely to build confidence when under the direction of an experienced driver. Traffic can be intimidating to new drivers, so for safety purposes, they should only drive when and where they are comfortable.

Drivers should increase their awareness while decreasing their speed and number of distractions-especially in heavier traffic- to avoid death behind the wheel. I have been involved in two accidents. One accident occurred when I was driving my truck and a motorist failed to yield while turning left. This caused me to T bone them. It turns out the driver of the other vehicle was distracted by their fast food meal. While it is never a good idea to drive distracted, new drivers should especially limit their distractions at all times. A similar situation occurred while I was on a motorcycle. In this situation, two cars turning left at the same time created a limited view for the car that struck me- traveling straight- on my motorcycle. While both of these wrecks were not my fault, I can increase my driving skills and safety by assuming I am invisible to other drivers. To better myself and others driving, I preach and live to allow plenty of distance between vehicles and always be prepared to react to hazards. It is best to always have 3 plans to avoid hazards. This allows drivers to be defensive and do their part to avoid accidents on the road.

All safety precautions are important while operating a vehicle. That said, distracted driving is the main cause for accidents on the road. For the sake of becoming a safer driver after previous accidents, I choose not to pair my phone to the Bluetooth in my truck. If other drivers would allow their full attention to be on the road while operating their vehicles, less accidents would happen.

All in all, driving safety is important. Not only for the safety of new drivers, but for the safety of others on the road as well. There are many steps one can take to become a safe driver. An important first step in becoming a safe driver is taking a drivers ed course. Most new drivers- if not all- learn something new from these courses that could potentially save their lives.