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Drivers Ed Online – An education in driving

Name: Ramin Maria Pintac-Divinagracia
From: Hope Mills, California
Votes: 0

An education in driving

Recent studies have shown that young drivers who have not completed drivers ed are seventy-five percent more likely to get a traffic ticket, twenty-four percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident and sixteen percent more likely to have an accident. Completing drivers ed will help reduce these chances from occurring. There are simple steps that can be taken to reduce the possibility of an accident. The first step is to keep your vehicle in top condition. Chances of an accident will rise when proper care for your vehicle is ignored. The second step is to anticipate the other drivers actions. When you’re on the highway, be sure to pay attention to the other cars when their blinker is on. The third step is to drive when suited to. Similar to the second step, you must pay attention to your surroundings when driving(i.e. Stopping at a red light). The last step is to make a conscious effort to improve your driving skills. Use any free time to improve your skill in driving. So far in my life, I have only been in two car accidents.Once when I was a toddler and again when I turned 16. Both of these accidents were caused by people who were distracted while driving.There are a lot of steps to becoming a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road. The best way to help others be safer on the road is to keep them vigilant. Passenger seats were created to help the driver focus more on the road. What I am trying to say is be the sixth sense when you’re riding on the passenger side. Another way to be a better driver is to not drink and drive. Almost thirty people in the United States die in drunk driving crashes every day. In conclusion, drivers ed is important and always make an effort to be a better driver for yourself, and for the people around you.