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Drivers Ed Online – Life or Death

Name: Udochi Nwanegwo
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Votes: 0

Life or Death

Driving. An action in which a vehicle is started and is controlled by an individual called the driver in order for the vehicle to move to a certain destination. Driving comes with many benefits such as being able to go where you please, in a timely manner while being able to enjoy the journey with friends, family, or just music. There are downsides though to this seemingly elevated type of travel. For example, gas money is needed to power the vehicle, getting the car itself can be quite expensive and the cost of insurance monthly could drive someone insane. But worst of all driving can lead to death. That is unsafe driving at least. Unsafe driving can be quite harmful not just for you, but for other drivers, their passengers and even unaware pedestrians.

I remember being in the back of my dad’s car lost in daydream thoughts about going swimming the next day and in a split second there was a crash. I felt the impact and my knees felt like they were shaking. I could hear a slight buzz as the policeman asked me if I was okay, I just nodded unsure of what just happened. The front of my dad’s car was almost completely gone and I could see the pieces scattered all over the road. It was an intersection and the other person who had been driving way too fast had slammed into the side of the car, as my dad had pulled up a little before the light had switched colors. Fault. Whose fault was it? Was It the guy who went way above the speed limit or my dad who tried to drive through before the traffic light changed colors? Either way an accident occurred, and someone could have died from it. This is why there needs to be more advertisements on billboard, on television, and on social media about the dangers of unsafe driving.

If people were constantly reminded about the consequences of unsafe driving, then less accidents like this would occur. Driving education needs to be taken seriously, because without it driving could become a life or death situation. There should bi-monthly checkups in which people are mandated to take quick driving tests, just to refresh their memory on proper driving etiquette. This is so passengers and drivers will feel safe every time they have to enter a vehicle, without having to think about the possibility of an accident causing their fatality.