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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driver’s Education

Name: Julia Kirby
From: Army Post Office, Armed Forces Pacific
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Ed

May Scholarships

Drivers ed Initiative Award

Drivers ed plays a very important role in many people’s lives. Its purpose is to provide the knowledge and skills you need to use a vehicle as a driver and a pedestrian. Many don’t realize the importance of drivers ed and its impact on our lives. It keeps us safe and mindful of any harm that could be done through the vehicle. Drivers ed ensures everybody’s safety and well being while also providing you without important information.

The role of vehicles throughout the times has changed drastically. Before vehicles there were horses and carriages, these came with less responsibility and caused less harm. When vehicles came around many people didn’t know how to use them in a smart and safe way. Due to the reckless manner death by vehicles increased dramatically. Nowadays, vehicles are much more common, although reckless driving still occurs. Back then they didn’t have drivers ed so they aren’t knowledgeable about how to drive in a safe and logical manner. Today, we are so lucky to have drivers ed to teach us the importance of safety when it comes to driving.

To be so fortunate to have a place where we can learn to be safe and conscious on the road, our death tolls due to vehicles are high. We, as the people, need to start to take steps to ensure people get the education they need to drive safely. Some steps could include offering more classes which teach drivers ed, classes that don’t cost much so that all people can attend. Another step could include classes which taught the dangers of driving under the influence and the safety hazard it causes to everyone around them. I feel like a big step the community could take to help reduce the amount of deaths related to driving is to improve availability of the information. We need to start making the information available for everyone and anyone so it reduces the amount of mishaps.

I’ve had an experience where the safety of my family and I were at risk due to someone’s lack of consciousness. We were driving out of the Rite-Aid parking lot when all of a sudden this big truck backed into the side of our car. It was just a fender bender, but it was an incident that could’ve been fully preventable. It could’ve been prevented if the car backing up paid attention to the cars surrounding him. Being aware of your surroundings while you’re driving is something big you learn in any drivers ed course. Any drivers ed course could help the guy with the truck understand to be aware of his surroundings while driving.

Drivers ed is very important in any person’s life. It ensures the safety and education of all drivers. A couple steps I’m going to take to become the safest and most educated driver is to do more research on the driving laws in the area I live and to attend drivers ed classes available to me. Drivers ed is very important.