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Drivers Ed Online – Responsibilities of a Safe Driver

Name: Rana Suifan
From: Chicago, Illinois
Votes: 0

Responsibilities of a Safe Driver

Responsibilities of a Safe Driver

In itself, sitting in a car and being on the road is a responsibility, whether you are the driver or the passenger in the car. There are important rules that we must follow in order to make it safe for ourselves and others whilst being in a car. Recently, a common issue that has been occurring is the use of phones while driving. It is important that the driver is not texting and driving because it puts them in danger as well as other passengers in the car and other drivers on the road around them. This is because the driver is distracted with their mobile device and is unable to focus on the road. Another distraction for the driver may be the passenger. That is why the responsibility of the passenger is to control the volume in the car as well as help the driver focus on their driving.

Personally, I have seen irresponsible driving in my own surroundings. For instance, when I am driving with my friends, they tend to either use their phones while driving, or increase the music on the radio to a very high volume. As the passenger it was my responsibility to inform them to get off their phones and reduce the volume.

If everybody knows their responsibilities of being on the road, we are guaranteed to have a safer driving environment.