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Drivers Ed Online – Riding the Line Between Life and Death

Name: Amisha Chokshi
From: Peoria, Arizona
Votes: 3

Riding the Line Between Life and Death

the Line between Life and Death

destruction, chaos. When the word ‘war’ pops inside your head,
these three words follow closely behind it. But you normally don’t
even think of these words every time you pull out of the driveway,
right? Well, 34,000 lives are taken every year in America in driving
related incidents. That would make driving responsible for more
fatalities than six out of ten deadliest American wars in history,
and that happens every year. The majority of people are not aware of
this fact, that not paying attention during your daily visit to
Starbucks can add to that grim statistic. If you had kept your eyes
on the road and not picked up your phone at the sound of a
notification, this tragedy could have been easily avoided. While
driving can bring a newfound freedom, it also comes with many
responsibilities; that is where drivers ed comes in.

education is a class or program that prepares new drivers for their
permit or license. It plays a vital role in educating younger
students on road safety and proper driving etiquette. Knowledge from
this course can significantly decrease the number of driving
fatalities since it educates students on responsible driving. Driver
education for a wider amount of students along with regularly updated
information on the internet or anywhere accessible will initiate a
new wave of safe driving, reducing the number of deaths and
accidents. However, driving is not only focused on rules and
regulations; an appropriate attitude about driving is just as
important. Promoting a positive and patient perspective on driving
will also be beneficial in reducing driver deaths because the driver
will be less stressed and more focused on the road.

last year in 2019 I had been in a large accident. I was in a school
bus traveling on a highway in the evening for an event when a car on
the right hit our bus, causing our bus to swerve and hit multiple
cars the barrier. Luckily, the driver was able to hold the bus steady
enough to not cause a lot of damage. The process of the police coming
and checking everyone for injuries took almost four hours because of
the traffic, school processes, and large amount of people involved.
It was at that moment that I realized how minor actions, like not
paying attention to the road for a couple seconds, can impact the
lives of a vast amount of people.

a safer environment on the road starts with you. Following the rules
and staying alert by not using your phone while driving can be easily
achieved and make a very large impact. I plan on studying the
driver’s manual and becoming comfortable with the road through
practice, so that I can be a responsible driver. Knowing the rules
and being mindful of yourself and everyone around you are essential
steps to becoming a better driver since they can be the difference
between life and death.