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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Road Safety

Name: Esther Pham
From: Birmingham , AL
Votes: 4

The Importance of Road Safety

Pham 2

Esther Pham

Scholarship Application Essay

The Importance of Road Safety

The Importance of Road Safety Most people don’t realize it but car crashes are the ninth leading cause of death in the U.S. As an eighteen year old, I am preparing to buy myself a car so I can go to school according to my own hours. When learning about road safety while trying to get my permit, the process was fairly easy. My college had also required that each student go through a course of drinking and driving as well. It is important to know your options. Instead of drinking and driving, there are options such as before going out to drink, choose one person to drive. That person will not have alcohol for the day. Another opti is calling an Uber or Lyft. I suggest that people don’t drive if they are not going to take road safety seriously. When sitting in the driver’s seat, you have responsibility for yourself and other drivers as well. I believe that when driving you just have to be smart and not take any risks. Risking when driving is, drinking and driving, texting and driving, and multi-tasking while driving. There are so many teens putting people at risk when they break the laws when driving. If you are putting yourself and others at risk then wake up! Nobody is safe, but if you are trying your best to be safe, then that is one more person who is putting millions in less danger already. Many teens are prone to text and drive. This is a big distraction while driving because they either have notifications on or they can see their phone in arms reach. One red light is not as long as you think. One text is not as short as you think. The solution is simple. Don’t text and drive! Either put your phone away when driving or iPhone has an option where your phone is on do not disturb when you are driving so make sure to use that for your advantage. That is one risk crossed off the list. Road safety applies to the passengers in the vehicle as well. When talking there can be emotional pressure or stress that is a risk when driving. When you are just starting out driving, be sure to get rid of everything distracting in sight or reach. Another way to be safe is to turn off your music. Once you get comfortable with driving you can turn on the radio. This does not mean you can start taking risks while driving now that you have driven a car for a while. There are no exceptions to reckless driving and breaking laws. Many people are dying or getting injured because of car crashes each year. If your parents are not being safe, don’t copy them. This is not bad luck or good luck. This is someone’s life. Do not take that risk and instead follow road safety laws and be safe. Think of the families of that one person you may have crashed. Think of how much they will suffer with their loss. Think of others too, not only yourself.