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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Bailey Yow
From: Red Oak, Tx
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Every day there a children that get their license to drive. What this means is they are legally allowed to drive a machine that weighs thousands of pounds. Unknowingly these new drivers are eager to blast music and take fast turns. This behavior can lead to deaths while on the road. One wrong turn or even going five miles over the speed limit could lead to a life time of sorrow and regret. “if I only slowed down”, or “If i only looked up from the radio”. These are the phrases new licensed drives will think about while trying to sleep at night. Paying attention to the road and following the laws could save thousands of lives on the road. When I was in my drivers ed program, they showed pictures of how negligent driving could lead to accidental deaths. The pictures of brains on asphalt changed my life forever. Imagining someones live ending as a result of my driving has affected my driving to this day.