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Drivers Ed Online – Prevention of Lost Lives On The Road

Name: Alexis Cansino
From: San Marcos , CA
Votes: 0

Prevention of Lost Lives On The Road

Alexis Cansino

June 30, 2020

Prevention of Lost Lives On The Road

Throughout the years there has been many lives lost from teenagers to elderly behind the wheel due to the reckless driving that some people perform. It is important to explain to students driving the school what they are risking when they are performing wreck-less driving from speeding to cutting people off on the road. The tough part about limiting the amount of deaths while driving is that teenagers always love driving fast and racing when they finally receive their license, especially when they have a sports car that is fast. It is tough getting it in their head because it would go in through one ear and out through the other. They believe that just because they receive a license it means that they know how to control the wheel but they dont understand that just because they can control the wheel doesnt mean anything else can happen while driving. In my opinion some of the parents are at fault for the teens that pass away behind the wheel. The reason being is because some parents choose to buy them expensive fast cars when they are just rookies on the driver’s seat. For example, I know somebody that had gotten his license at age 18 and his parents bought him a mustang which are quick cars, he decided to race one of his friends and accidentally lost control of his vehicle and clipped the back of his friends car. That caused his friend to lose control as well making them both flip many times almost taking his friends life. His friend was in a critical stage in the hospital and if he had died the other person would have been facing criminal charges sending him to jail for murder. Luckily

he survived and nothing happened, his license was revoked for a year. Now that he is receiving his license again, his parents are going to buy him another new car. In this case it is both him and his parents fault. Him for not taking driving seriously and racing, and his parents for buying him a fast car and now wanting to buy him another new car. Hopefully he learned his lesson, but they are both at fault. I believe that there should be more police patrolling the streets and highways to prevent these mistakes from happening. That way people learn their lesson with tickets or even getting their license suspended.