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Drivers Ed Online – Driving Responsibly

Name: Amanda Guzman
From: Johnston, Iowa
Votes: 0

Driving Responsibly

Driving Responsibly

Before getting my license I never thought that driving was something extremely dangerous instead I thought that it was easy and fun. Throughout my Drivers ed course, I learned that driving is the most dangerous task that a person will do during the day. While taking the Drivers ed course I learned many scary statistics about deaths and car accidents. We also watched many videos of people that had their lives changed because of a car accident. Stories like that made me have a different view towards driving and it helped me drive with caution at all times to keep me and my family safe.

The Drivers ed course is important because if people put to practice what they learn there would be countless families with a parent or children. Although many teenagers think that Drivers ed is a waste of time and pointless I believe that it’s necessary to keep the roads safe. The Drivers ed course teaches many important rules and suggests what to do when the car is not responding. If everyone took the Drivers ed course there would be a tremendous decrease in the number of deaths as a result of driving because everyone would know the rules. The road would be much safer if everyone knew what to do during unprepared times, sure there can be accidents but the death number due to driving would decrease a lot. Some steps that can help to reduce deaths related to driving and to have more police officers around the city, this will help because the drivers will be forced to drive at the posted speed limit and not above it. Many car accidents happen because of high speeds this could be easily solved by having more police officers around the city to make sure that everyone is following the speed.

Something that has helped me become a better and safer driver is to ask questions to my parents when they are driving. I always like to see their reactions and their strategies. This has improved my driving skills. Even though I took the Drivers ed course I still make mistakes but there are some mistakes that can be avoided like texting and driving. Last summer my friend gave me a ride and she was driving irresponsibly. The music was very loud, she was constantly texting, and she didn’t have a good following distance. I constantly thought that we were going to crash because she stopped extremely close to the car in front of her. I was nervous when she was texting so I asked her if she wanted me to respond for her and she agreed. I felt much safer because now all of her attention was on the road.

The Drivers ed course is necessary to make the roads safe and to reduce deaths due to driving. To make the road safe everyone should follow the rules, there should be more police officers around the city, and we should never text and drive.