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Drivers Ed Online – Why Not Us

Name: Ethan B Kigozi
From: Spring, TX
Votes: 0

Why Not Us

  • What is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

  • What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

  • Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

  • What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

I remember my drivers ed course; I was so excited to drive a real and actual car that I zoomed through my online drivers ed course. It wasn’t that until I got to a certain chapter that I slowed down and read everything as if my life depended on it– and it did. That chapter told me about the horrible statistics behind the number of drivers related accidents that could’ve been prevented if the driver genuinely knew the rule and law of the road. That chapter taught me how important all those word-heavy chapters were to me and the safety of others.

As the number of drivers increases, the probability of collisions and vehicle-related deaths also increases. As more drivers are put on the road, the more crucial and informative drivers ed has to get. Drivers ed plays an important role in reducing vehicle-related deaths, because of Drivers Ed. informs drivers about the rules of the road. These rules not only allow drivers to navigate safely on the road but they also allow other drivers and users of the road to be safe– which reduces the number of vehicle deaths on roads. I believe that more steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. We as a community can create other more accessible modes of transportation, like more trains, buses, and bike lanes. With other modes of transportation, It will allow individuals who need a type of transportation to rely on other types of travel, rather than taking a drivers ed course, not learn anything, and then risk the lives of other drivers on the road. Another step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to make a more rigorous drivers ed course that requires those students to incorporate more determination and time into learning the rules of the road. This will allow a generation of more informed drivers to take the road, and this change will create a safer road for everyone.

I can take many steps to become a better driver. First I can learn the rules of the road. I believe that most vehicle crashes happen because individuals lack knowledge when it comes to road safety. Another leading reason that vehicle deaths happen is that individuals underestimate driving and what it entails. With more informed drivers, more of the public will be informed how dangerous it is to drive drunk, tired, or high– and with these more informed individuals, We can create safer roads.

I believe that our generation of drivers are becoming more informed about the dangers of the road, and that is creating a safer world for the future. I believe that this generation can show the world that driving can become a safer and more viable mode of transportation by adhering to the law and understanding that reckless driving causes distress and sadness for everyone.