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Drivers Ed Online – Safety First

Name: Julissa Angelika Maya
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Safety First

Safety First The importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving is teaching people about the road signs and rules to ensure their safety. Furthermore, driving education teaches the individual how to make a proper stop at a certain distance, put the blinkers when making right or left turns, follow a proper speed limit on the road on a specific highway area and park properly when parking at a parking lot. Driving on the road can have fatal consequences if not taking care of proper speed limit, lack of attention on the road, and consuming illegal substances such as the use of alcohol beverages. As a result of this,drivers ed is important for the prevention of serious car accidents and to prevent future deaths on the road. There are multiple steps that can reduce deaths related to driving. One of the most important is the use of a seatbelt is fundamental for driving safely on the road, but it is important to know how to properly use it. As matter of fact, wearing the seatbelt correctly would result in proper adjustment of secureness behind the wheel while driving. Another important fundamental aspect of driving safely is the use of lights on the road. For the most part, during the night is when lack of visibility results of what is on the road and as a result a car accident might be the consequence. Moreover, the use of

lights at night and even during the day are quite important to see nearby objects and have high levels of awareness while driving. Moreover,driving safely on the road is important and it is a one-thing priority every time we are behind the wheel. Always try to keep our eyes on the road and not get distracted easily, distractors such as the use of cell phones become the most popular distractions while driving. When I was four years old it was my first time being in a car crash. My dad was driving. Everything seems normal as always when driving down Durham Drive. An old man drove up next to the right side. When the light turned green, we started to move forward. Unexpectedly the old driver steered to the right very quickly and crashed into us. Making us steed across the road. Fortunately nobody got hurt, but couldn’t say the same thing about the car. Furthermore, this is why we need to pay attention to the surroundings more. Instead of being on are phones or other electronics. Perhaps then there will be safer drivers that will follow the rules.