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Drivers Ed Online – Safety in the Neighborhood

Name: Gabriella Jo Liebelt
From: Caldwell, Idaho
Votes: 0

Safety in the Neighborhood

Safety in the Neighborhood

Gabriella Liebelt

In a world where 3,700 people lose their lives on the road each day, there is bound to be some solution. The road claims more than 1.3 million lives each year. Some of these deaths are due to alcohol and drug abuse, careless driving, cell phones, and a multitude of other distractions and risks. I personally feel safer when driving on a road where everyone is only focused on the task at hand, driving, and you should feel safer too. Let’s do what we can as a society to ensure road safety measures are taken while driving or riding in a motorized road vehicle.

I personally believe that training drivers to reduce the high amount of deaths on the road is extremely important. Maybe it means teaching new teen drivers that it is not okay to use their phones while driving, or maybe it comes in the form of informing the older generations that they should follow the speed limit. For such a massive problem there is actually quite a simple solution, educating drivers that when driving, driving should be your main focus. Simple as all get out. This is why I believe that it is extremely valuable and important to inform, teach, and educate not just new drivers, old and experienced drivers as well, the rules and regulations of the road.

One step we can take to lessen deaths on the road is educating future drivers well and thoroughly. It should be a top priority at this point if we want to continue to lessen the amount of deaths on the road in the coming years.

I personally do not drive yet, but I am in the process of taking drivers ed online. Covid-19 slowed my course of action down just a tad. With this challenge, I do not personally take any precautions while driving, but I make sure that loved ones and friends take them seriously as well. I make sure that their phones or devices stay out of reach, and if need be, I am the secretary who answers calls and such so they can keep their eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. I also made an automatic playlist that we listen to in the car, so there is no distraction with changing the music or radio. It is also made sure that anyone who I ride with does not drink or do drugs before we head out. It is always good to have a focused driver who does not have judgement impairments while operating a several thousand dollar machine with others in its path. I also suggest that if someone is going to go drink somewhere, that they have a backup designated driver who does not drink who can act as a chauffeur. That way people can still have fun, but they’re still being safe. Another measure that can be taken is making sure that women do not apply makeup while on the road, yes it may not seem super harmful, but focus should be on the road ahead of you.

I have been in a few different scenarios where there have been some not so safe driving habits being formed in a vehicle. Luckily, only one of those resulted in an accident that was not too major. It was caused by a cell phone, and the result was rear ending the car in front of us while at a stop light. I have not personally been affected in the family sense of losing someone to a car related death, but unfortunately I know a few friends that have been affected. One of those situations was a case where a friend of mine was riding her bike to work, and on the way there she was hit by a drunk driver and killed on the scene. Another scenario took place when a group of friends were drinking, and they hit a telephone pole while driving. Only one girl was killed when she was thrown out of the vehicle while not wearing a seatbelt, and she was found hanging dead on the nearby fence with major injuries. The other people in this situation did not realize the consequences of their actions until it was too late and someone had died, all while they had escaped with minor bumps, bruises and scrapes.

In summary, there are multiple reasons why it is important to stay safe on the roads. Next time you get in the car, use a mental checklist to make sure you are being safe, and be aware always. You never know when a car crash could turn ugly, and it is important for individuals to do what they can to prevent deadly crashes and use road safety precautions. You never know when you could save a life or two.