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Drivers Ed Online – Saving Lives on the Road

Name: Jenna
From: Fort Collins, Colorado
Votes: 0

Saving Lives on the Road

Jenna Vigil

Drivers ed Initiative Award

25 July 2020

Saving Lives on the Road

Drivers ed is important to society as it helps individuals become better drivers by knowing the rules of the road, being prepared for difficult situations, and for learning how to drive in a safe and controlled environment. Drivers ed allows for individuals to learn how to drive safely with an instructor and learn what to do in certain situations such as when a deer runs out in front of your car. Having a trained instructor teaching beginners how to drive from the start can drill the rules of the road into new drivers, and allows for them to gain experience before being on their own. Further steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving by having retests taken every X amount of years and by increasing the amount of drivers ed when beginning to drive. In addition, when one reaches 18, they no longer have to have any drivers ed or a permit to earn their license. If some drivers ed was still required even when reaching the age of 18, this could ensure that everyone is aware of the rules of the road and truly knows how to drive safely.

Even when someone is driving safely, accidents can still occur due to other cars driving irresponsibly. Two years ago, I was in a minor accident when I was the driver. I was going straight through a green light when a car decided to turn right in front of me, I ended up slamming on the brakes and hitting the back end of the car. Although my quick reaction could have ended up saving mine and the passengers in that car’s lives, the other driver’s irresponsible actions caused the accident to happen in the first place.

To become an even better and safer driver to protect myself and others, I can limit the amount of distractions that occur when I am driving. For example, I like to listen to my music at a high volume which can cause me to not be able to hear things going on outside of my car such as sirens. I can become a better driver by limiting this distraction and keeping my music at a lower volume so that I can hear things and keep myself and others safer. I can also set a system up on my phone so that when it detects I am driving, it turns off all notifications and sends a message to others that I am driving and cannot talk at the moment.

Driving kills many individuals in the US every single day, but by increasing the drivers ed as well as decreasing distractions in the car, the number of driving related deaths could decrease significantly.