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Drivers Ed Online – So You Can Drive Now

Name: Zyla Poncher
From: Ann Arbor, Mi
Votes: 0

So You Can Drive Now

So You Can Drive Now

16. The big one six. Being 16 is filled with nights out with friends, a sweet 16, and more independence, but perhaps the most significant milestone of all is getting your driver’s license. It’s filled with excitement and your first real taste of independence and responsibility. With it comes a commitment to follow the laws and guidelines to ensure you and other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians stay safe. However, teen drivers are three times more likely to get into a car accident than drivers over the age of 20. Even with following all traffic laws, being attentive, and putting down distractions, the risk is still higher. In drivers ed, new drivers are taught the dangers of driving under the influence, over-exhaustion, and driving while distracted in addition to basic vehicle safety, maintenance, and proper strategies in emergencies. However, not everyone is getting this training. At the age of 18, you are not legally required to take the course to get your license. Those who do not go through formal driver training are 75% more likely to get into a car accident. How can this be prevented? By making the coarse mandatory for all ages.

When I finally turned 16 and had gone through all of the proper drivers ed, I got my driver’s license. A day I had been dreaming of for months. I could go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted, with nobody to tell me otherwise. I soon realized, however, just how big of a responsibility being behind the wheel is. I started hearing stories of friends who were distracted while driving and got in near misses, or even as far as totaling their cars. A step everyone can take is reminding friends and family of safe driving procedures and not letting friends who are unfit to drive get behind the wheel. When you sit behind the wheel, you are responsible for your safety and any other passengers in the vehicle. Accidents will happen regardless of how careful and attentive people are. Still, more than half are preventable by putting cell phones down, only driving while sober, and being alert on the road. The number of car accidents each year can drastically be reduced.