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Drivers Ed Online – The importance of driving

Name: Elizabeth Katrina Hoving
From: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Votes: 0

The importance of driving

The importance of
drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths as a result of
driving, meaning the teenagers who first get their license tend to
crash their cars within the first year of having a license because
they are unaware of their surroundings. They tend to be very
distracted while driving and tend to break the rules. Breaking the
rules by being on their phone or not paying attention to what is
going on around them and even having passengers in the car is a high
distraction. Things that we can do to reduce the amount of deaths
related to driving are number one GET OFF YOUR PHONE. We tend to hear
this rule a lot but it is a huge thing to go by. So many people every
year die in an accident because they were using a cellular device.
The law has been enforced to give a ticket for being on your phone
while driving but people do not take it very seriously until they
receive the ticket or even end up killing someone while texting,
being on a phone call, or even as simple as changing their music. We
need to make people more aware of what the long term consequence is.
Personally I have not been in any major accidents. I have been in a
hit and run but it felt more like a love tap so physically nobody was
hurt. I have seen others drive irresponsibly and it is scary to be
riding in the passenger seat feeling unsafe. I have been in the car
when the driver is going way over the speed limit and only slows down
when they see a cop. Most people that I am in the car with are on
their phones and slowly drift into the next lane and not even notice
it. Some things I can do to become a better driver is be aware of my
surroundings and be careful in bad weather and drive to the
conditions. To help others on the road if I am in the car with them I
will answer their texts if they are important and change the music
from their phone if needed. Overall I believe that others need to
have the realization that distracted driving is a big deal and that
they can easily pull over if the text message needs to be answered
right away or they can wait until they reach their destination.
Driving is a big deal and it needs to be taken seriously and people
need to follow the rules and then everyone can be safe in the end.