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Drivers Ed Online – Split Second

Name: Destiny Walton
From: Atlanta, Georgia
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Split Second

Destiny Walton

Split Second

Drivers ed is the key to reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. One of the main causes of death as a result of driving would have to be the use of technology in motor vehicles. Drivers ed taught me how to properly operate my vehicle on busy interstates, at night, and during other dangerous and uncomfortable driving circumstances.The most innovative and creative thing to ever be created would have to be the cellphone. When the first mobile telephone was created by Motorola in 1973, I’m sure they had no idea how much the invention would evolve into what we have now which are smartphones. Unfortunately, these smartphones do have cons that come with the pros. Using your smartphone while driving can create an enormous potential for deaths and injuries on the road. In 2018 alone, 2,841 people were killed in vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. Distracted driving is when the driver of the vehicle engages in any activity that distracts him or her from driving and focusing on the road. With a majority of the population carrying a cellular device that has easy access to web browsing and social media apps, it is clear that our unhealthy obsession with using our cell phones does not stop when we turn the key into the ignition. Fortunately I have never been in a car accident but my grandmother was in a car accident in 2018 that was actually started by a cop. The accident opened my eyes to a lot of things because her life would’ve been gone in an instant second although the accident wasn’t her fault. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is when someone’s life can be taken away.

Some steps I feel that I can take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving would be to spread awareness through social media. Social media is where most teenagers get 90% of their information and that is where we can be taught to be more diligent behind the wheel. If you take your eyes off the road for even a split second, you can end up in a terrible, life-changing accident. Unfortunately, over time, some drivers may start to feel that driving is a routine task and some even begin to handle other tasks concurrently without fear of losing control. I believe that even the most experienced drivers can cause a collision if they take their eyes off the road so everyone should be alert 100% whenever they’re behind the wheel. Being alert will ensure safety for yourself and others on the road. I am a Georgia resident and in 2018, the Hands Free Georgia Law was passed. The law states that all drivers operating a vehicle on any highway or street in the State of Georgia are prohibited from even having their cellphones in their hands. This law also prohibits drivers from sending messages and watching videos while driving their vehicle. Creating a distraction free environment on roads all across american could take time but if everyone plays their part, we could be one step closer to safer roads.