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Drivers Ed Online – Drive Responsibility

Name: Arina Ross
From: Wichita, KS
Votes: 0

Drive Responsibility

Scriptwriting Critique Form

Your name: Arina Ross

Author/Title Laban Massey

  1. Is the protagonist recognizable? What is his/her/its main objective? Is it reached?

Not sure, my guess is the wizard.

  1. Is the conflict strong? Does it propel the action forward? Is it compelling? Are varied tactics employed?

Still needs to develop some more

  1. Are the voices distinct? Does the dialogue fit the action/situation of the play?

I think everyone had some distinction with them, sounded pretty good

  1. Is the climax identifiable? Is the tempo/pacing of the script appropriate and effective?

No climax yet

  1. How is the backstory and/or foreshadowing? Is it used effectively?

Got from the characters, could get more

  1. Additional comments: