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Drivers Ed Online – The Road to Better Driving

Name: Bailee Crandall
From: Kalamazoo, Michigan
Votes: 0

The Road to Better Driving

It’s crucial for everyone’s that people are well educated before
getting behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle. Many accidents
happen yearly because people aren’t educated enough to know what to
do in certain situations. Divers Ed training is crucial to young
people who are learning to drive to know what the different lights,
signs, and signals mean. I believe that class teaches people lots of
stuff before getting on the road, but also tests their knowledge to
make sure they pass and know enough information where they can start
driving. I believe driving at age sixteen definitely needs to be a
gradual progression and the drivers ed class helps you feel more
comfortable and confident behind the wheel.

I think there are multiple steps we can take to reduce the number of
car accidents. I think people need to do a better job of not being
distracted while driving meaning limiting: being on your phone,
talking to other people in the car, and changing the music station.
These are such simple tasks to not do while you’re in your car, but
yet they cause so many accidents a year because it takes our focus
off of the road. It’s sad to say car accidents are inevitable and
are going to happen, but it is in our control to limit the amount of
distracted driving we do. If you are going on a long car ride, or you
need to text your mom or change the station just pull over somewhere,
and put your car in park in a much safer setting. Distracted driving
is a tactic we can all control and limit that would reduce the number
of car accidents.

I have been in about two car accidents throughout my life, none of
which I was driving. I was with my mom, and two brothers where my mom
was driving and we pulled up behind this car at a stoplight, then one
of my brothers in the back started whining so my mom turned around to
fix the problem and she hit the car in front of us from behind. I
have also been in a car accident with my friend where she was going
about 60mph on a back road and took her eyes off the road for a
couple seconds and the car in front of us had slammed on their brakes
and we hit their car from behind.

Some steps I can take to be a safer driver and help others around me
be a safe driver as well is to try harder to keep my focus on the
road and not turn to any distractions, and I can call others out on
it as well. Nobody is a perfect driver but if we are more aware of
our surroundings on the road and become more focused on it, it will
lead us to become safer drivers and reduce the amount of car
accidents around the world.