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Drivers Ed Online – Stay Focused

Name: Rylan Bell
From: Culver City, CA
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Stay Focused

Stay Focused

By Rylan Bell | Culver City High School | 11th Grade

Most think of drivers ed as something for new drivers only, but who retains everything they’ve learned in high school? Not all of us have a photographic memory, so drivers ed can benefit those who have been driving for years and remind them of the laws of the road and dangers caused when rules are not followed. Driving is a skill that improves as it is practiced on a daily basis, but while practicing it is easy to develop distracting habits that could kill you or those around you – like texting and driving. By taking drivers ed refresher courses, we can become advocates of road safety and reduce the number of distracted drivers by being more aware of current driving laws, which change depending on technology and local needs. Luckily, I have not been in a car accident but my dad has been in several due to being too tired or distracted by music or phone calls. Had he kept his eyes on the road rather than looking down to change the song playing, he would’ve been able to see the red light and not run head-on into the car that was turning. His accident not only impacted his car, which was totaled, but the car he hit and the taxi that was on the side street waiting to proceed. The impact of this one accent caused physical pain to several drivers, trashed his brand new SUV, caused my mom to miss work to go help him, and increased the cost of his insurance at a time when we were saving money. All of this could’ve been easily avoided if he hadn’t been distracted or placed the importance of driving before music. This experience is a good example for teen drivers to remind them not to worry about music when driving, not to play it so loud you can’t hear another car honk (as a warning), and to not distract the driver with obnoxious conversations or actions. Based on my experience with parents, friends, or other adults driving I have made a commitment to not distract drivers with my words or actions as a passenger. Instead I can offer to read text messages, instead of the driver checking them, or be a second pair of eyes to dangers or other drivers who might be distracted. As the driver, I will not text and drive because taking my eyes off the road voluntarily to look at my phone would endanger myself and the people around me when I’m driving. There is nothing more important than being focused on the road and aware of the signs, laws, and precautions to keep yourself and others around you safe.