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Drivers Ed Online – Ensuring Safety

Name: Jamie Frketich
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Votes: 0

Ensuring Safety

Ensuring Safety

A complete and thorough education in driving vehicles is the key to safer roads worldwide. When it comes to driving, there is no shortage of information to learn and to pass on for the benefit and wellbeing of all those who use motorized vehicles to travel.

Firstly, drivers ed is the most important tool in operating vehicles that a person can possess. Without having undergone the process of learning the rules and regulations of the road, there is massive room for danger. People need to understand what all the signs mean (including shapes and colors), how to drive in unfavorable conditions, as well as what to do in case of hazards that could cause accidents. Education builds up the confidence required to be a better driver, not only with words but with actions. Practicing driving in places such as parking lots, or on roads with few cars can give the experience people need to start laying the foundation needed for safe driving. This foundation allows for a reduction in the number of deaths as a result of driving because people are equipped with the knowledge that ensures they have as much control over their own vehicles as is possible.

Next, there are certain steps that need to be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. One step that could help greatly would be reoccurring tests, i.e. tests similar to those of permits every 5 years or so. Another important step is to raise more awareness for driving under the influence, which would mean frequent talks to high schoolers about the dangers of driving with an impaired mind. Punishments for reckless driving could be made more serious, such as heftier fines or longer sentences, which would deter people from making those poor driving decisions. While I personally have not experienced an accident, I have witnessed some distracted driving by those around me. It has mainly come in the form of looking at cell phones while driving. So now whenever I am in the car with someone, I make sure to take their phone and answer any calls or texts so that the driver can focus on safely driving.

Finally, I currently do not have a permit or license. However, if I did have a license, I would make sure that my phone was put away where I could not see or access it while driving. This would ensure that my focus is on the road and not on a device next to me. I would also make sure to constantly check my speed and try to predict the moves of other people to avoid unnecessary collisions. In addition, I would encourage my friends and family members to make the correct decisions while driving, e.g. no drinking or eating food while driving, focusing on the road, signing up for resources such as Drivers Edge, etc. When it comes to ensuring safety while driving, nothing is too much to consider.