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Drivers Ed Online – Watch out & Be Aware

Name: Briana Jaramillo
From: Live Oak, FL
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Watch out & Be Aware

Watch Out & Be Aware

Drivers ed is important because rules and regulations are needed to insure order and safety. One of the most important rules of driving is being aware of your surroundings. Many deaths happen while driving because people are distracted and not paying as close attention as they should be. Wearing a seatbelt, being precautious, and alert can safe your life and others on the road. A phone call or text can always wait for when you are safely stopped. Nothing is more important then the safety of one’s life. During my senior year, I got a car and experienced an accident within a week of purchasing it. I was heading to a local town with my family and was stopped at a red light. As I was waiting for the light to change, I was slammed into. The other driver was distracted and let go of his brake a little bit and hit me. It saddened me and I was unsure of what to do. I called my parents in distress and confusion. They told me what I had to do. I informed the police of the incident and weeks later was able to get my car fixed. As good as new. If the driver was more aware and alert the accident could have been prevented. By focusing his attention to the road rather than the person in the passenger seat. By maintaining your complete focus to the road many accidents and deaths can be prevented.