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Drivers Ed Online – Satire: Is texting and driving really wrong?

Name: Victoria Ghanma
From: Ashburn, Virginia
Votes: 0

Satire: Is texting and driving really wrong?< /h1>

Satire: Is texting and driving really wrong?

Interested in measuring your texting abilities? If yes, then you should try out texting and driving. Your eyes will be off the road for about five seconds every time you send someone a text message. It can be challenging at first, but practice makes perfect, after all. Trust me, my uncle tried it. You will also enhance your driving skills and you will have a great, new experience. Recently; however, the National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving causes around 1.6 out of the 6 million crashes each year. 

This leads us to conclude that people who text and drive are unfortunate victims of the people that are responsible drivers. It only makes sense for the responsible drivers to move out of the texter’s way. However, the non-texters want to put all the blame on the texters. There has been evidence of responsible drivers spreading awareness about the dangers of texting and driving especially at school. The responsible drivers even managed to persuade the nation that texting and driving should be made illegal. Today, forty-eight states ban texting and driving because of the fake casualty-reducing statistics they gave. Therefore, all of the concerned citizens should take immediate action before the situation gets any worse.

Many responsible drivers claim that texting and driving is dangerous and that it can lead to many deaths. In many cases; however, texting while driving creates a safer road environment. Just think about it, if the driver that is texting is swerving from lane to lane, it will make the cars around it pay more attention to where they are going. If you were around a car that was swerving left and right, will you not pay more attention, slow down, and proceed with caution? Therefore, instead of the responsible drivers raising awareness about the dangers of texting and driving, they should consider giving out rewards to each person that texts while driving. It might be expensive at first, but fundraising money will definitely help solve the problem.

Seeing the problems that the texters are facing, it is only logical to remove the responsible drivers. Removing the responsible drivers will save everyone a lot of money. On average, the cost for each death in a motor vehicle accident is $1,130,000, for each nonfatal disabling injury is $61,600, and for each property damage crash is $7,500. Considering the number of car accidents that happen due to the responsible drivers, a lot of money would be wasted for no reason at all. Around 81% of the US population cannot achieve their financial goals such as saving for a home, retirement, and education. So why give them more to worry about if you can just remove the responsible drivers?

I wish nothing other than to fix this misunderstanding that seems to be lasting for many years now. I am by no means a licensed driver, but I am still a citizen that wants the best for her community and country.


A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift.”,,

Car Accident Statistics in the U.S.: Driver Knowledge.” DriverKnowledge,

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Texting and Driving Crashes Facts and Statistics.” TeenSafe, 19 Feb. 2019,

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The Price Paid for Automobile Accidents and Injuries.” Tavss Fletcher,