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Drivers Ed Online – The Cost

Name: Diamond Porter
From: Waldorf , Maryland
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The Cost

Diamond Porter

Without it, you could die from it. Not just you, but others as well. People could be left both physically and emotionally scarred because of this one, fatal action. That action, that could lead to various complications and tragedies, is reckless and irresponsible driving. Irresponsible driving can be caused by various things such as intoxication, texting while driving, or simply not paying attention. These incidents happen so often that we must have classes and systems in place in order to prevent the fatal and damaging possibility. Everyone should be educated through driving school and drivers ed in order to stop irresponsible driving.

Many people die daily due to reckless driving. According to Goddard Law, law firm of a personal injury attorney, 6 million accidents happen yearly and 90 lives are lost daily due to accidents. Out of this, over 70% of these accidents and deaths are caused my reckless and intoxicated driving. But, this could all be avoided and reduced with proper drivers ed and making people aware of the risks early on. With drivers ed, people can be made aware and understand that when driving, you must be focused and make smart decisions before getting behind the wheel.

There are alternatives and solutions such as riding with a friend or calling an Uber, or turning off your phone and removing it from your sight to reduce temptation. Without distractions or risky and dangerous situations, the roads will be more safer and the death rate will decline. Also, make the smart decision for your friends as well. I’ve been in the situation where a group of friends and I wanted a ride with a friend. However, the friend wasn’t a safe driver and had been in multiple accidents before. Therefore, I chose the safe option for myself and my friends to wait and ride with a different person.

When it comes to myself, safe driving is my number one priority. Currently, I am still practicing and going to driving school in order to complete my mandatory hours and get my license. Although the constant practicing and demand for hours is hard work, I’m willing to complete it and practice in order to be a safe and responsible driver. I make sure that my music and surroundings don’t distract me. I also put my phone on Do Not Disturb and faced down whenever I drive. It’s little actions like this that helps me focus and alert whenever I’m driving. With this, I encourage my friends to do the same by discussing requirements and helping each other study for our driving tests.

In conclusion, it costs too much for the selfish act of reckless driving. There’s too much at stake, and as the famous commercials say, it can wait. People should pay attention and educate themselves on the various driving classes and requirements to create a safe environment. I will continue to follow and learn about safe driving during my classes and driving practices. Save the lives and minds of those on the road by following and learning the drivers’ education lessons.