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Drivers Ed Online – Safety is #1

Name: Hallie Sidman
From: East Setauket, New York
Votes: 0

Safety is #1

Accidents happen every 60 seconds in the United States, which equates to 5.25 million accidents across the nation on a yearly basis. With this in mind how many of those accidents are due to irresponsible driving? Over 50 percent of accidents are due to aggressive drivers, with speeding being the most prevalent contributor.

One major way to prevent irresponsible driving on the roads is drivers ed classes. By informing drivers on the road the rules of the road and how to drive properly and defensively this will prevent accidents because people will understand how to drive properly. Information about how to drive is the key to preventing a mass increase in irresponsible driving.

There are several steps the United States government can take to preventing irresponsible driving on the roads. They can set up for speed limit signs on the highways, so people know the speed limit constantly throughout the country. They can also enforce that all drivers have to take drivers ed classes to obtain a license in the United States. Drivers should also have to retake this class every 10-20 years, so they’re up to date on the rules of the road. Lastly, the US could set up police checkpoints on highways to make sure every driver is abiding by the rules of the road.

I know the horrors of being in an accident because I was in an accident when I was little. My family and I were driving on the highway and a car was parked in the middle of the highway with no flashers on. My parent who was driving didn’t realize they were parked because their flashers weren’t on. Maybe if their flashers had been on that night wouldn’t have been ruined. Maybe we would have made it to my family’s house that night, but because one person didn’t abide by the rules of the road an accident occurred and a night was ruined.

Now that I’m beginning to drive on the roads, I will utilize all the lessons I learned in drivers ed to drive safely and defensively on the roads, so I don’t ever ruin a person’s day by a poorly made decision. Safety is number one on the road and everyone must abide by the rules of the road to drive safely and avoid accidents. Accidents can ruin lives.