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Drivers Ed Online – The Drive to be Educated

Name: Benjamin Nguyen
From: Arlington, Texas
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The Drive to be Educated

The Drive to be Educated

As a child sitting in the backseat, I believed that car accidents were uncommon. I thought that the severest cases of accidents extended anywhere from a flat tire to a fender bender. However, in my teenage years, I was able to sit at the passenger’s seat besides the driver witness recurring dangers: road rage, road debris, distracted drivers, and severe weather. Despite knowing that these driving threats are perpetual, I learned how to mitigate the risks of these hazards as I received my drivers ed at the age of 16.

The main focus of my drivers ed relied heavily on the basis of the driver’s awareness of rules and conditions of the road. Paying attention to markers, signs, and signals provides the driver with essential knowledge of upcoming hazards. For example, upon seeing a school zone sign during school hours, the driver must slow its speed as a precaution for crossing pedestrians. The ability to adjust to changes in the surroundings is also necessary when taking the road. Under raining weather, the driver is cautious of hydroplaning and losing control of the car by avoiding sharp turns and suddenly braking. Receiving proper drivers ed prepares drivers to navigate through various situations to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

Even with adequate drivers ed, danger still arises with selfish behavior that disregards the safety of others. Shortly after receiving my driver’s permit, I drove my dad to an auto shop to gain nighttime experience, not knowing that I would also experience road rage. On our way home at a traffic light, I was turning left at a double left turn when unintentionally drifted close to the other lane. Although my mistake was an accident resulting from lack of experience, the driver that I almost hit was unforgiving as he aggressively honked his horn. Ensuing his violent beeps, he immediately sped up past me, switched to my lane, and then slammed his brakes. If I was a second late in braking, I would have crashed because of someone else’s careless vengeance. In hindsight, this incident could have been avoided if people were properly informed of the devastating consequences that may entail with reckless behavior.

By receiving appropriate drivers ed, the safety of the passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers improves as preventable injuries and even death can be eschewed. Maintaining a good mental state is imperative for evading distractions and careless actions. Respecting and adhering to precautionary measures such as buckling seat belts, silencing cell phones, and obeying traffic signs significantly reduces the number of driving related casualties. Following these simple yet vital rules indicates an educated and safe driver that values not only their own lives but also the lives of their passengers and other drivers.