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Drivers Ed Online – Put in the Work

Name: Olivia Hickman
From: Dayton, Ohio
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Put in the Work

Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Drivers ed is specifically important in the realm of education because driving can be the most dangerous thing one can do in a day without even knowing it; without being educated on how to do it safely. Drivers ed is the cornerstone of keeping the road safe because it is ingrained in you from the first class that you take that it is a privilege to drive and driving should not be taken lightly when you are learning because you are operating a multi-ton vehicle that has the ability to take lives. It seems as though after a period of time though, some people forget just how big of a responsibility they have with driving and they do it recklessly. However, the vast majority of people who operate a vehicle do it safely because they had better than average drivers ed. I believe that in order to preserve good drivers ed across all ages that every 10 or so years, we should have to take a simple written drivers exam after we receive our driver’s license. If you fail the first time, come in and take it again sometime. If you fail the second time you have to sit in on a drivers ed class to brush up on whatever you forgot. It is important to be aware of all the rules of the road; especially when it could save a life. I have unfortunately been in a car crash. I was about 15 and the man behind us was not looking in front of him and rear ended us. Luckily no one was hurt, though this incident brought drivers ed and awareness to my mind. It made me consider what I could do to better my driving someday and what distractions I could avoid when driving. I do not text and drive or even answer the phone while I drive. Even now, various automobile companies are making smarter technology to save lives on the road; however, we must remember that it is our job first and foremost to not require the assistance of technology to drive our cars. I feel that with the bluetooth technology that is coming in cars now that hopefully all drivers’ hands can stay at ten and two and not on a phone.