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Drivers Ed Online – Dodging Death, How a Drunk Driver Changed my Perspective

Name: Renee
From: Troy, MICHIGAN
Votes: 0

Dodging Death, How a Drunk Driver Changed my Perspective

No matter how many horrifying images you are shown, how many statistics are shoved in your face in a drivers ed, each driving situation is individual, like snowflakes you will never experience the exact same one, even if you take the same route. The only way to be preventive of such tragic deaths is to implement memorization on ways in which you can avoid accidents, like if you are forced to go off road what you should aim for a soft object such as a bush, or if you can’t go off road where you should hit a car.

It was Easter morning, and I heard a large crash. As precaution my parents had me check if everything was alright outside. I went and looked through the glass of the front door and found that someone had crashed into my car. I had only had my license for about a month before the crash. It left me wondering despite what goes on in our everyday lives shouldn’t we all put that aside while on the road. It also left me wondering what may have happened if I was in the car that morning, haunted by what may have happened.

We all must pay attention to each and every aspect of the road, like typical school work and lessons it is almost constantly required to be alert during lessons, not looking at your phone or being distracted by friends in the car, or too busy singing along with your new favorite song while bringing up the volume. Though one of the most important factors to keep in mind is separating what goes on in everyday life and driving. Anger at work can cause road rage, stress can cause us to focus on the stressor rather than the road, tiredness can cause one to fall asleep on the wheel, making risky choices like drinking and driving or texting while driving. Driving is not something you can teach while listening to lectures in a drivers ed desk, education is primarily gained with experience of being on the road and learning what mistakes can be easily avoidable. Though each drive is always different the more you drive the more knowledge you gain through each unique experience. You learn to deal with road rage, tailgating drivers, merging cars on the highway, and other incidents that typically happen

Accidents are already scary enough without fatalities, though people must be dedicated to more responsible and safe driving to avoid impending doom upon other innocent drivers.