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Drivers Ed Online – Prepare for the road

Name: Angel Aba
From: San Antonio, Texas
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Prepare for the road

[Type here] Prepare for the road Angel Aba

As a young driver myself I know that driver safety is a topic that is often discussed, but sometimes overlooked. Though I am young I quite tragically learned early on that driving is a responsibility as well as a privilege. Having been a part of multiple car accidents, due to irresponsible behavior while behind the wheel I understood that such things like these happen too often.

Living inner city, I grew up witnessing many incidents of reckless driving. Unfortunately, today distracted and/ or intoxicated driving occurrences are the most common reason for car accidents in the U.S. Sadly, more than 40,000 people die every year due to these irresponsible actions. That number should be a wakeup call to everyone who is ready to get in any vehicle rather you are the operator or just a passenger. As a teen I can do better to help the situation by holding myself and others that I know accountable for our actions that could have endued terribly. It is important to note that the number can diminish, but it is up to us to make that happen.

In order to make a slow but gradual change there must be adaptations to teaching drivers safety precautions. One way this could be possible would be to implement Drivers ed courses into early teen institutions such as schools and community centers. Resources such as these must be more accessible for new drivers in order to encourage a safer way of driving. By allowing novice to gain the knowledge they need before entering a vehicle, they will learn to take responsibility and take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of oneself.

Though this may be one of many other steps into taking before driving, it can be considered a good starting point and basis for someone who is in the process of becoming a full-fledged licensed driver. Other steps can also include things such as defensive driving courses. Since these courses focus more on the actual concept of being more cautious itself. Such things can also be to learn a bit about their actual vehicles, so they know what to expect from them when they are on the road. Things such as cruise control, standard/manual transmissions are not taught in these courses. Even smaller things such as checking the tire pressure or checking the oil of the vehicle. Things such as these can be other measures that can be part of a said course.

Though it may seem like overkill, I believe safety should be the main priority when driving. It is a sad fact that we must live through our own experiences in order to educate ourselves. However, I do find accidents like these can be used as ways to learn and to be more considerate of others on the road. These different strategies can serve a great purpose today since this issue has only increased over time. There needs to be more effort into the actions taken to make the road safer for everyone.