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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driver Safety

Name: Alexandra Rywelski
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The Importance of Driver Safety

The Importance of Driver Safety

Drivers ed is hyper important and necessary for the construction of safe driver habits and overall road/ traffic safety. I remember watching many videos in my drivers ed class that showed terrible crashes and the consequences of them. I also remember thinking in the moment how repetitive they all seemed, but now I realize how important they were. Seeing all those videos of people seriously injured for life or dead really serves as a caution of what not to do. I am lucky to have never been in that position, and I think that’s because our local driving school has done an effective job of getting through to its young students. I have done the following things to ensure my safety as a driver and person transporting others: allowed my passenger to operate my phone for me while I drive, pre-created a playlist for my ride, checking my surroundings regularly, only driving sober, and remaining calm. Being calm I think is one of the most important aspects of driving. Escalating situations through road rage is never a good idea as it can only bring on trouble. Keeping calm is even helpful when driving through bad weather. I live in Illinois, so the snow and ice can get pretty bad during the winter. Feeling comfortable and knowing your car is also essential for driving during bad weather. All of these things serve to keep the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists safe.