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Drivers Ed Online – Driving: A FIne Line Beteen Safety and Danger

Name: Joia Griffin
From: Chicago, IL
Votes: 0

Driving: A FIne Line Beteen Safety and Danger

Driving is something that we have all fantasized about as a child. How grown up we would look behind the wheel, wind blowing through our hair, our arm hanging lazily out the window in a manner that makes us look cool without even trying. However, despite this image, we eventually come to realize that driving is not the easy going activity as we make it out to be. Driving is an activity that can have many consequences depending on the actions that you take throughout the ride. This is why drivers ed is so fundamental in ensuring a safe road for one’s community and the world.

Drivers ed drills into you not only the fundamentals of how to operate a vehicle, but also how to conduct and maintain good driving habits, such as keeping your eyes on the road ahead of you and placing two hands on the steering wheel. While some of these rules may seem like simple, common sense rules, neglecting them for even a moment can lead to catastrophic results.

I remember one day on my block, I was in my house, reading a book when I heard a car zoom down the street and crash in the gate of a school. While no one was hurt, it left many people in my neighborhood rattled, and the scars of the crash still remain in the gate to this day. Accidents like these can greatly affect people whether they were directly or indirectly involved in it, which is why it is at the utmost importance for people who intend to drive to remember to be conscious of their surroundings and be conscious of themselves while they move through the world inside this mode of transportation.

I also intend to practice what I preach by excercising good driver behavior such as staying within the speed limit and following road signs so that I can stay in control of my vehicle and not possibly endanger those around me and myself.

Hopefully, we can create a better quality of road safety in the world by learning good driving etiquette.