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Drivers Ed Online – Behind the Wheel

Name: Katherine Alvarado
From: Woodbridge, Virginia
Votes: 0

Behind the Wheel

the Wheel

By: Katherine Alvarado

Being a teenager and gaining the
opportunity to drive is a huge stepping-stone in life. Once teens put
their hands on the steering wheel, they acquire more freedom and
responsibility. Although driving is something many teens look forward
to doing, researchers say the leading cause of death for teenagers is
due to motor vehicle wrecks. Only 32 states require teens to take
drivers ed before they can get their driver’s license.
some argue that drivers ed courses have zero influence on
teen driving behavior, it is vital for drivers to learn the traffic
laws and understand the serious implications and risks of being a

operating a vehicle, it is important that teens understand the risks
associated with automobiles. Through drivers ed, teenagers
learn traffic laws, how to foresee hazards and unsafe situations, and
how to safely operate a vehicle in all conditions. For example, I
have two older cousins; one took drivers ed and the other
did not. By their distinct driving skills and their driving records,
it is clear who took the class and who did not. The one who did not
take the course has gotten several tickets and is seen as a risk,
while the other has a clean record. Drivers ed is key to
helping teens gain the skills and knowledge they need to keep
themselves and others safe. Not only does drivers ed thoroughly
cover traffic laws, it also emphasizes the importance of avoiding
drinking and driving. When I took the course, we watched a
documentary and it showed families sharing how they lost a loved one
due to them driving intoxicated. Through the documentary, it showed
my peers and I how precious life is and how a poor choice can lead to
lives being lost. We learned that instead of driving while
intoxicated, we should have a designated driver or contact a parent
or guardian. With these prevention methods, the roads can be safer
and the number of deaths on roadways can decrease.

is important to be a safe and educated driver. Taking driver’s
education allows you to practice driving knowing the rules and safety
measures ahead of time, rather than learning them on the go. It
teaches teenagers the skills that are crucial to the safe operation
of a car, and how to avoid getting in an accident. Through driver’s
education, teenagers gain a clear understanding knowing that this
information will be applied into the real world.