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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Kyle Evan Mason
From: Athens , Ohio
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers ed


Kyle Mason


The Importance of Driver

we first turn 16 and are of age to drive many people may ask ‘why
do I have to take drivers ed…can’t my parents just
teach me?’ I for one am included as one of these teenagers with
those exact thoughts, I did not at first grasp the importance of
being an educated driver. It wasn’t until I started and completed
my driving classes that I saw how important it is to be informed on
the road. There are a thousand things happening as you drive and your
safety as well as the safety of countless others on the road depends
on you being educated enough to notice those aspects and respond to
them in a respectable manner.

taking drivers ed my teacher repeated the saying “it is not
yourself that you must be worried about on the road, its other
people”. I hold that true to this day, because not everyone has
been educated on drivers’ safety. There are people who drive
distracted (i.e. texting, eating, doing makeup) and there are others
who drive with no regard for fellow drivers. I believe everyone
should be required to take a form of drivers’ education in order to
receive their license, no matter what age. This is a way to reduce
deaths caused by irresponsible drivers, the more educated one is the
less likely they are to cause an accident. By not educating everyone
you have irresponsible and erratic drivers on the road, drivers that
do not know all the laws just the simple ones. There is information
about safe driving that one can only learn from being educated. In
addition to required education classes I also believe phone companies
should implement a software that only lets one use their phone in a
hands-free demeanor. By implementing said software it will reduce the
number of distracted drivers on the road and in turn possibly save
many lives.

for one have a friend who was a victim of distracted/reckless
driving. While in my sophomore year of Highschool a friend of mine
was in the car with a driver who was speeding and texting. The driver
hit a bump and lost control of the car, almost killing my friend as
well as himself and another passenger. It changed my friend forever
as he was paralyzed for months and still do this day must undergo
therapy. If said software I mentioned above is ever implemented it
might save others from that fate. In ending, I believe education to
be one of the best ways to help drivers and pedestrians from facing a
horrible fate. It is the only way people will truly learn how to
drive safely and save the lives of many innocents.