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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of drivers education

Name: Kariya White
From: Muskegon, Michigan
Votes: 0

Importance of drivers ed


4, 2020

of Drivers ed

long time transportation has always been a vital part of surviving.
First, there was transportation on foot then there was the wheel. Now
fast forward to the current time, we have access to trains,
airplanes, boats, buses, etc. A common mode of transportation is by
automobile whether it is a car or a bus. In every state, there is a
unique requirement for obtaining a driver’s license.

begin, in Michigan a person of 14 years and 9 months may begin
drivers ed and work towards a license. Once that person has
reached the age of 16 with a minimum 50 hours of behind the wheel
driving time he/she may take segment two of drivers ed. After
segment two has been completed there is a 90 day waiting period until
a level one driver’s license can be issued. Drivers ed is a
great way to learn the rules of the road and ways to remain safe. The
thing about drivers training that some people may not realize is the
cost. For teens in Michigan, segment one alone can range from
$200-$400. Segment two could also be included in that price or cost
an extra fee. For some teens, they must rely on their parents to pay
the amount. Some parents may not be able to afford such a high rate
or have multiple children that will have to take drivers ed and those
classes can start to add up fast. This leads to many children having
to wait until they are 18 years old to obtain a license. A teen that
started driving on time will already have about 4 years of driving
practice before they turn 18. They will also have had the proper
education of what to do and how to remain and stay safe. Once a child
has reached 18 the level of requirements are significantly less. They
are only required to take an hour and a half test and an eye exam.

reduce the number of deaths related to drivers ed we can make
classes free or provide aid to make them more affordable. When my
parents were in high school they were able to take classes over the
summer for free. This was a way to educate all students and since it
was free the number of students being educated was very high. With
easy access, more students are able to get hours of classroom time
and time behind the wheel leading to fewer deaths and accidents.

I have been in a car accident. One day I was at school at a track
meet and I went to reverse and leave the parking lot. I checked all
of my mirrors or so I thought. I then hit a pole that I could not
see. That pole could have easily been a person and I am so lucky that
it wasn’t.

become a better driver I can take a second and think before I make a
move. I can think if it is really necessary to shoot in front of a
car or can I wait for 5 seconds for it to pass. Little moments like
that can save lives and thousands of dollars in damages. I also know
that in every situation I will not have time to think, but I can also
check my surroundings and try to avoid dangerous situations. To help
my family members and friends remain safe I can point out times when
they are driving dangerously. Instead of being passive and not saying
anything I can speak up and tell them that it is dangerous to drive
that way. By speaking up I could potentially prevent future

driving is a great ability to have but it can also become dangerous
if a person is not properly prepared. I suggest that we increase
access ability to drivers ed classes to educate and prevent
accidents from happening.