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Drivers Ed Online – Revolutionizing Driving

Name: Jordan Thompson
From: Fontana, CA
Votes: 0

Revolutionizing Driving

Revolutionizing Driving

The alarming statistics on driving fatalities has long since hindered my experience as a learning driver, especially since the teenage demographic is the most vulnerable. Despite growing up with the numerous campaigns that demonized drunk and unsafe driving, many of my peers still practice unsafe driving behavior. The thousands of unnecessary deaths due to driving are simply unacceptable in a country so able to prevent them. Therefore, every effort must be made to utilize drivers ed, advocate for safer driving, and encourage personal accountability for each driver.

Drivers ed is a great tool to increase driving literacy and ability to avoid the lethal mistakes make on the road. Publicizing the appalling statistics on driving mortality, perhaps sharing individual accounts of deadly driving would help encourage drivers to be more cautious and subsequently reducing deaths. Additionally, it would be highly beneficial for the federal government to clearly and frequently publicize all new and more obscure driving laws. This would increase the prevalence of driving literacy in the public consciousness, persuading drivers to make safer, better choices while driving. There should be public outreach to accurately clarify any confusion on all driving laws. Driving education should also be brought back into public schooling, to increase driving literacy from a young age.

Furthermore, cultural reform is needed on American driving culture. Unsafe driving practices, like the “California Stop” that normalizes a disregard for stop signs, have to become unacceptable. Media and social media campaigns should be more heavily implemented to encourage safer driving behavior. More public events should be held, promoting safe driver propaganda to normalize a higher standard for all drivers. Some auto insurance companies, like State Farm, are beginning to reward customers for statistically safer driving with financial incentives. This should be federalized, as the government should utilize this genius reward system to incentivize safer driving to help save lives. In terms of inebriated driving, government endorsed vouchers for ridesharing services like Uber should be implemented and widely accessible. No one wants to drive drunk, but when designated drivers are inaccessible, they make the poor choice that generates the statistics.

Personally, the fear of being injured while driving has inhibited me from becoming proficient enough to get my license. I have had several experiences riding in friends’ cars where they let emotion or laziness deteriorate their driving behavior. I can learn from their mistakes and drive alertly, cautiously, and defensively. The best thing each individual driver can do is exemplify safe driving conduct, and promote it to friends and family. When all drivers increase their quality of driving, less lethal accidents will tragically end innocent lives.

America has got to do something to combat the statistics on mortality in driving, and harnessing the power of drivers ed, cultural reform, and personal accountability is a strong way to do it. These initiatives are worthwhile to save lives and make our roads safer.