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Drivers Ed Online – Distraction Equals Death

Name: Jessica Humes
From: Owosso, Michigan
Votes: 0

Distraction Equals Death

new drivers, being behind the wheel is one of the most exciting
things in life. For them, and me when I first started, everything is
a new experience and it leaves you with a feeling like no other!
However, there are more deaths related to car accidents than that of
various wars. Driving, especially for beginners, is a big deal not
only for the person driving, but for all the people that are at risk
of accidents because of them. That is why drivers ed remains
the most important factor in reducing the number of the deaths that
occur while driving. Drivers need to be informed on the risks and
dangers of being on the road so they become better drivers themselves
and consequently lower the amount of deaths per year.

are many things that can be done to help lower the amount of deaths
related to driving, however one stands out as more effective than
others. The thing that has been proven to be most effective to reduce
deaths on the road is cutting out distractions from within the
vehicle. This includes texting, talking on the phone, excessively
loud music, attempting to multitask, and having pets in the car. I
could simply state that by eliminating texting while driving the
number of deaths would go down, but I feel it necessary to include
all sorts of distractions. Being distracted while driving
significantly increases the chances of getting in an accident.
Distractions in the car can cause the driver to take their eyes off
the road, become unaware of their surroundings, and even take their
hands off the wheel. All of these things are some of the most
dangerous things one could do while driving, and causes are what
causes accidents. By completely voiding the car of those mentioned
distractions, the number of accidents, and therefore deaths, would go
down noticeably.

for my own experience with car accidents, I have one that will stick
with me forever. It was early January and I was driving back to
college on the highway. As I was passing a semi, I noticed a small
chunk of ice fly off the top of his trailer. Before I knew it, that
small chunk turned into large pieces of ice coming right at my car.
Luckily I was able to slow down and miss most of the pieces, however
one struck my windshield and left a large crack. My point is that I
got out of that situation unharmed with minimal damage to my car. Had
I been distracted for even a second, I risked the chance of an ice
chunk completely breaking my windshield and possibly causing me to
swerve and cause an accident. It was not luck that saved me from that
happening, it was me practicing safe and attentive driving, and I am
beyond thankful that no one was harmed.

number one thing I can do to be a safer driver is to focus all my
attention on the road when I am driving. This, combined with
practicing safe driving habits and following the road laws, will
ensure my own safety and make the road safer for other drivers as
well. Because what some do not realize is that other peoples’ lives
are at stake as well as your own while driving. So be mindful of the
other families on the road, the people on bikes, even your own
passengers, and practice safe driving. Because every life counts, and
one distraction could be the last.