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Drivers Ed Online – Social Media

Name: Jenell Rickman
From: Miami Gardens, Florida
Votes: 0

Social Media


do you consider to be the single most problem facing society today,
and how could it impact the future? How do you feel this problem
should be resolved?

me see what Kim Kardashian has posted for today… I wish I had a
body like that”. Social media affects youth today negatively.
Everything the youth of today see on social media they want to try
it. There’s always something a celebrity has that they want or
there’s something for them to be made fun of by.

media always shows the youth of today something they think they want.
A celebrity will get surgery to change a “flaw” of themself and
influence half my generation to change something about themselves.
For example, a celebrity named Summer Walker I believed had a
beautiful petite nose. After she got famous she then got surgery to
alter her nose. Social media is full of bullies and influences the
youth of today to tease others. According to
Meier Foundation Website as of June 5, 2019,
states “Similarly, cyberbullying victims were 1.9x more likely and
offenders were 1.5x more likely to have attempted suicide than those
not involved in cyberbullying (Hinduja & Patchin, 2018)
Cyberbullying victimization was more strongly related to suicidal
thoughts and behaviors than school bullying victimization (Hinduja &
Patchin, 2018)” This shows that social media affect youth more than
their real-life do.

media influences the youth of today to try something new.

celebrities got famous just by starting a YouTube channel and showing
others their lives. Everybody loves the finished product of YouTube
when they get paid and have lots of fans but they can’t handle the
previous stage when they first start and feel like they are going
nowhere. This stage tends to make youth quit or make them feel
useless. Usually, they post a good seven videos that get 20 views
most from friends and family and might even get some dislikes. I can
name 8 of my friends or family members that have a YouTube channel
and all of them stopped posting and just gave up. Most of the time,
this discourages the youth and may make them fall into depression. On
the other hand, let’s say they continued, grew a huge fan base and
with fans come the haters. What if they weren’t mentally strong
enough to handle the rude remarks coming from haters, I could’ve
lost them to suicide also. Luckily I can only name one friend I lost
to suicide and it wasn’t because of social media.

I make social media affect how I view myself and stops me from
posting publicly. All of my social media accounts are private besides
my twitter account which I don’t post myself on Due to my
insecurities I don’t post myself a lot; neither do I post on
YouTube waiting for someone to point out one of my “flaws”. I
don’t see myself as perfect or as the Bible states created in God’s
image. I can say that social media is the blame for part of my

Conclusion, social media affects the youth of today negatively.
Social media sets boundaries that most youth can’t reach and is the
blame for everyone in my generation thinking they’re depressed.
Everything the youth of today see on social media they want to try
it. There’s always something a celebrity has that they want or
there’s something for them to be made fun of by.