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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driving Safely

Name: Cameron Joseph
From: Aberdeen, Maryland
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving Safely

In the Driver Seat – Cameron Joseph

I just turned 17 and I currently have my permit to drive. During driving school and listening to my parents, I’ve learned a lot of do’s and don’ts when it comes to driving. Most importantly I learned about some things that made me think about why people get into accidents. I hope this essay explains what I’ve learned and why I feel its important that we be extremely safe driving.

Drivers ed is very important. Especially when young drivers are getting on the road for the first time. When I was in driving school, I learned so much. I thought I already knew everything I needed to know about driving, but drivers ed isn’t just about how to drive, its about how to survive and how to keep others safe around you. We learn the importance of watching other vehicles around us and keeping a safe distance in between the vehicle in front of us.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number deaths related to driving. One big one is the usage of cell phones while driving. So many people use their cell phones while they’re driving. People can turn their phones off or use the features set on their phones so people know they’re driving. There is loud music in the car while driving that is an issue and driving drunk or tired/sleepy. Don’t drink and drive has been drilled in our heads for along time. Although I’m new at driving I feel like I’ve heard people around me say this thousands of times. If you’re tired or sleepy its important to pull over, call someone and let them know what’s happening, just don’t drive.

I was 2 years old when I was in my first car accident. So, I can only tell the story the way my parents explained it. However, the lady that hit us had a child in the car with her. She and her child didn’t have their seat belt on. I was in my car seat in the back/middle section with my mom and my dad was driving and uncle on the passenger side. The woman hit my mom and dad side of our truck. It was bad. Dad had to go to the hospital and my mom, uncle and I were fine. On top of all of that she told the police she knew her brakes weren’t working well and was working on getting them fixed. Needless to say, she went to jail. If we didn’t have on our seat belts it probably would have been worse. Also, just because she didn’t have on her seat belt doesn’t mean anything. They were safe, but it could’ve turned out bad.

We just have to do our best to watch our surroundings and not be distracted in order for us to be better and safer drivers. Sometimes it can be the other vehicles that aren’t driving safely. Drive safe, its important!