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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driving Safely: Life and Death

Name: Sarah Ruano
From: Reseda, California
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving Safely: Life and Death

The Importance of Driving Safely: Life and Death

The importance of drivers ed is vital in order to prevent deaths related to driving. Without proper education, many new drivers might not know the proper course of action when driving. Easy steps like: insisting everyone in the vehicle wear seatbelts all the time, not driving when intoxicated or impaired with drugs, and driving safely even when you are late to work are some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths when driving. Recently, my older sister was in a car accident caused by slippery roads when raining. She did not take the conditions she was in (it was raining at night while she was driving) and she ended up crashing into a tree. Thankfully no one was hurt, but it goes to show that when driving, one should take into consideration all factors that can harm one’s performance when driving. When I do plan to drive, all the responsibility is on my to practice safe driving,

Driving is now an essential part of life, weather that’s public transportation or just getting into a car and driving yourself. I am currently 17 years old and plan to get my driver’s license when I turn 18. In order to practice safe driving, I will first make sure that whoever I am driving with has their seatbelt on, as well as me. Another important thing that I’ve noticed my friends do when they drive is that many don’t put their phone on silent and don’t put it in a safe place in order to not distract themselves. When I start to drive, I will make sure to do the opposite of them: silencing my phone and putting it away in a safe place so it won’t distract me when I’m driving. Another thing that is very important when driving is to have a mindset that anything bad can happen. When I do start to drive, I will head in with a mindset that driving safely is my only priority when I start the car and have my hands on the wheel until I get to my destination. I would also like to point out the obvious things that I will do when driving: not driving when sleepy, impaired by drugs, and always remember to follow the rules of the road.

Overall, driving safely is vital in order to lower death caused by a result of driving. Unfortunately, many people have suffered the consequences of dangerous driving, and it is up to driving schools to provide the necessary educational criteria in order to reduce fatalities that would’ve never happened if safe driving was practiced. It is also not only up to driving schools to provide safe driving education, but also up to the driver to make choices regarding driving.