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Drivers Ed Online – The importance of drivers education

Name: Aliyah Callicutt-Huitt
From: Bloomington , MN
Votes: 0

The importance of drivers ed

The importance of drivers ed for young adults

Driving is an important part of any person’s life. We go to work, school, the supermarket, and even out on drives to clear our mind; our car is a luxury that takes us on backroads, highways, and across many intersections. For me, I was already in a car accident at the age of seventeen. And a beautiful friend of mine died in that same wreck. She never made it to her eighteenth birthday or to her high school graduation that following year. We had been hit by someone going thirty miles over the written speed limit. I’m writing this scholarship because it’s something I really care about. Everyone should understand both the risk and the reality of sitting behind the wheel of any automobile; which is the risk that they, like everyone else on the road have the potential to harm someone or worse kill someone, if they fail to abide by traffic laws.
Back In drivers ed when I was a sophomore in high school, I used to look around, and all the kids were beyond excited; it was the first official step to becoming an adult and to having freedom for most of us. We sat in class that semester and we were thrilled, even when we moved into the ‘automobile accidents and cautions’ lesion plan. The ‘automobile accidents and cautions’ section of the drivers ed program was a week long lesson consisting of horrific videos, recordings, and letters, from previous car accidents and the victims associated with the wreck. I can still remember how silent the room was, it was so weary and so ominous, I don’t think anyone forgot that lesson, ever. After the week was done, and it was time to start moving into our driving groups to start practice driving on the road, everyone was so tense. It wasn’t fear but it was the new knowledge of just how powerful our position is on the road. Divers education taught us all about both the benefits and safety measures we can take as well as the negatives and the consequences that can occur.

Sophomore years drivers ed programs were beneficial, but also very expensive. Some steps to be taken to reduce the amount of deaths the country sees related to car accidents, is to make drivers ed free in high school. I moved to two different high schools at the time and each high school offered drives ed for about $150 to $200. Not every child was able to pay that large sum of money and not every child had a way to make it to the programs before, and after school. But if our schools taught drivers ed as a regular required course for a semester during actual school times, I am positive every kid will have had the opportunity to have learned by an accredited teacher how to drive. It’s important for each kid to have this opportunity because it benefits every age group in society.