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Drivers Ed Online – Look Twice to Save a Life

Name: Isabella Martino
From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Look Twice to Save a Life

Look Twice to Save a Life

Many years ago, my family was in a car accident while on vacation in Mexico. The roads were slick due to heavy rain, and the car lost control and flipped over. This unfortunate event was no one’s fault, but I will always remember the feelings of fear and terror I experienced. Many years later, when I was going into my freshman year, I was in another car accident. However, this time it could have been prevented.

My oldest sister was nice enough to drive me to babysit for a family friend. We turned on the radio, secured out seatbelts, and began the drive as usual. We slowly made our way out of the neighborhood, and headed to the busy road that would take us to our destination. Smiling and laughing, we had no idea what was about to happen. She turned right onto the two-lane road, while a large truck was in the lane next to her. Upon turning, the truck merged into the lane we were in, hitting us and pushing us off the road. The airbags expanded and the car was totalled, yet no one was seriously hurt. If the driver of the truck had looked twice before changing lanes, the accident would not have happened. If my sister had waited for the road to be clear, the accident also would not have happened. Looking twice, and waiting to safely turn, are two skills I learned that day.

Three years later, I am now a licensed driver, and I believe that operating a car is a huge responsibility. Before I even start my car, I turn my phone off to avoid distractions. I pray for my safety and for the safety of everyone on the road as well. Finally, I remind myself to always look twice. This past spring, I enrolled and completed driving lessons with an instructor to ensure that I am a safe driver. I also am taking a 30 hour driver’s course to learn and review the laws of driving in the state of Pennsylvania. I am trying my best to be a responsible driver. My life, and the life of all drivers, matters.

Three years ago, my sister and I got lucky. Had the truck been traveling at a higher speed, or had we been in a different car, I may not be here today to tell my story. I urge all people to be safe drivers, to learn the laws, and to completely focus on the road. Because as I know very well, looking twice indeed saves lives.