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Drivers Ed Online – That Fateful Day- A Lesson in Defensive Driving

Name: Elizabeth Hood
From: Brookville, New York
Votes: 0

That Fateful Day- A Lesson in Defensive Driving

It was supposed to be a pleasant afternoon filled with Christmas carols and good cheer. Instead, it turned into one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. My mother was driving my grandmother and I to hear my choir sing some holiday favorites. Halfway there, we all became aware of two cars driving recklessly in an apparent road rage incident. The two cars weaved in and out of traffic without regard of anyone else. As the two cars continued their aggressive driving, they advanced towards us. At that time, my mother decided to pull off to the side of the road to avoid them. I was seated in the backseat and watched the events unfold through the rear window. As they approached, I yelled that we were about to be hit. The car slammed into the rear of our car and pushed us into an intersection before speeding off. The second car involved in the incident also did not stop to see if we were injured. To this day, the police have not caught either of these reckless drivers. I will never forget this frightful experience. Although everyone was unharmed, we took my grandmother to the hospital as a precaution. I learned an important lesson on this memorable day about driving defensively.

Drivers ed Courses can be used to educate all drivers (not just young adults) in the techniques of defensive driving. Driving defensively means using one’s driving skills to identify potential hazards and defend against possible collisions. By learning how to spot drunk drivers, incidents of road rage and other potentially unsafe drivers, one can plan for the unexpected and react if necessary.

Learning how to drive defensively can also reduce the number of deaths that occur on the roads each year due to reckless drivers. Knowing how to identify and avoid potential dangers will grant drivers the advantage of being prepared to respond accordingly. Additionally, when paired with enhanced car safety features, defensive drivers will ensure that they do not add to the number of casualties per year.

The goal of making myself a better driver begins with never forgetting the day of my hit-and-run accident. Each time I start the engine and prepare to drive off, I remember the sound of that one reckless car slamming into ours. Now I use this incident to make myself a better driver. I have also used this frightening experience to explain to others the dangers of being in the middle of reckless drivers. I often inform others about the importance of remaining focused at all times while behind the wheel. Using defensive driving techniques to better my skills on the road, I can avoid potential hazards and respond in a safe and appropriate manner. In doing so, I strive to not become a statistic, as I could have been that fateful day.