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Drivers Ed Online – Driver’s Education

Name: Ryan Nicholas Ouzts
From: Columbia, SC
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed

The importance of drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is very important because if more people and citizens were more informed and educated about drivers ed I believe there would be less and less deaths on the road because people would be more informed on all of the laws on the road and would be a lot more cautious about how they drive on the roads. If people were more informed on the laws on the roads we wouldn’t have as many deaths and not as many collisions which would cause les devastation in families and communities on losing a loved one or friend. I believe that the steps that we can take to reduce the deaths related to driving is that every driver should have to take a drivers ed class every year to help keep the drivers informed on the laws of the road and people would defiantly pay more attention on the roads. I also believe that if the law enforcement officers would enforce the laws of the road more that the drivers would pay more attention on how they drive because they would be even more scared on being pulled over or being fined on driving related offenses. Fortunately I have never been a part of a car accident but I have seen lots of friends and family driving very irresponsibly, I have a lot of friends that have been in multiple accidents or have been driving irresponsibly and have been pulled over for how they are driving and they say that it is not worth the moment of irresponsibility for the payments that they have to pay for insurance on how after they had the accident or have been pulled over how their insurance went up a lot of money and that they struggle to pay the price. I believe the steps that we need to take to be better and safer drivers as well as help others become safer on the road is like I already said that drivers need to take a class every year that helps inform them on the importance on following the rules of the road and would make them more responsible drivers and would decrease the irresponsibility on the roads and people would avoid the high prices of insurance after an accident or after being pulled over and getting a ticket which does increase the insurance cost very much and families and friends would not struggle to pay the price and they could enjoy being on the road instead of being scared to get on the road and possibly getting into and accident because of irresponsible driving or getting a ticket from them being irresponsible on the roads. Law enforcement needs to enforce the laws of the roads better than they do now because lots of irresponsible drivers are getting let go by every day by law enforcement, even law enforcement doesn’t follow the rules of the road most of the time and we need to take steps to change how the law enforcement follows the rules of the road and how seriously they take their job so I believe that law enforcement needs to also take a yearly class to help inform them more on the rules of the roads and how to enforce them.